Student Odri (+updated backstory dump)
Tuesday, August 20, 2024 2:53 AM
Odri is a member of an extraterrestrial species who were originally human but - in the distant unremembered past - were modified into floating telekinetic beings whose bodies are "recharged" by advanced bio-pods.
They have vague cultural memories of Earth as a distant homeworld, but were unaware that their species had been changed until arriving there.
It may not be possible to prove when or why they were changed.
This species does not have a single accepted name, given that their word for themselves is also used for the residents of Earth.
The remaining members of the species were sent "back in time" to the present day by powerful forces, in what is likely a long-term attempt to strengthen Earth as a potential ally.
They arrived in the early 90s, which triggered a wave of spaceship-themed music videos, such as "Larger than Life" (Backstreet Boys), "Say What You Want" (Texas), "Scream" (Michael and Janet Jackson), and "You'll Be Sorry" (Steps).
Neither Odri's people nor Earth currently have any contact with other extraterrestrials, nor the ability to communicate at the great distances required.
Odri was born after her species arrived on Earth.
Her name is a traditional name among her people and is probably descended from the name "Audrey".
Most members of Odri's species still live on their spaceships. (Odri currently lives in the college dorms.)
Odri is part of a group of talented technicians that maintains the bio-pods; they have the technology to build new ones, but the process is very slow, and reverse-engineering them is not yet possible.
Odri is about 20 years old, and is attending a state university in the U.S.
Special scholarships are available for extraterrestrials from universities who hope to attract unique talent.
Odri's people originally had a religion which taught that the prophet they were looking for was on another planet and was not yet revealed to them.
The more Odri floats, the sooner she will need to "recharge".
Odri also needs to sleep, like a regular human, but she can do so while recharging.
Odri cannot eat food, but does need to drink water.